The future of science is OPEN


Image from FOSTER website, licensed under CC-BY-4.0

Project Duration
FOSTER: 2014-2016 and FOSTER+: 2017-2019

The FOSTER and FOSTER+ projects focused on promoting the practical implementation of Open Science, with activities targeting academic staff, young scientists, and policy-makers in particular. Partners from disciplines in the life sciences, social sciences, and humanities tailored training content to the practices of each domain. Outcome-oriented workshops were organized, providing participants with tangible skills, such as selecting relevant repositories, understanding how to license research data, and negotiating EU data protection laws. One of the major outcomes of these projects is the FOSTER portal which is an e-learning platform with a collection of training materials.  

How can this project help me?

No matter if you are an open science expert or if you are just starting to learn about open science, this project is an optimal starting point. You can use the material from the platform to develop your own training materials tailored to your own needs or learn how to reuse the FOSTER toolkit.    

How can I use FOSTER and what are its benefits?

On the FOSTER portal, high-quality training material such as the Open Science Training Handbook is published. You can access all materials and public project deliverables of both projects at Zenodo.

We recommend you take a bit of time to review the materials provided at the platform – have fun!


Authored by

Brigitte Braun

The following blog doesn’t represent the view of the website maintainer, it is the view of the authors of this piece.

In the previous article, we explored the term metadata, its origin, and its releva

Metadata is a word trending in the scientific community for as long as data exists.

Scientific progress is not just about breakthroughs in labs or successful social sciences projects; it is also about fostering trust in those results and discoveries.